Volume 32, Number 3
October-November 2020 Newsletter
President’s Letter
Dear Friends,
Education. Encouragement. Enlightenment. These words signify what so many in the Institute of Agriculture have shared with others during their careers. In recent days I have been thinking about my own past experiences and the people who helped shape my life and those of many others.
My experience started as a 4-H Member in the fifth grade at Philadelphia Grammar School in Loudon County. The Extension agents came each month and provided educational programs and offered opportunities to participate in a variety of projects and activities. I am not sure how they managed to encourage shy, rural youth to do things like bread baking and public speaking, but they did… Read the complete message online.
Information About Retirees
Three Words to live By
Ruth Henderson McQueen, President
The last issue of this newsletter included an article with a list of โThree Important Wordsโ that sum up values in life. Members were invited to submit additional items to add to the list. Thanks to all of you who commented, responded, or sent in suggestions. It is good to know that there are people out there reading the newsletter.
Cathy Faust of Shelby County contributed, โLife Goes On.โ
My friend Winnie Morgan in North Carolina read the article and sent, โBe at Peace.โ
Ben McManus, who retired in 1992 and now lives in Huntsville, Alabama, sent in several suggestions. He also said that the list made him think of his yellow name tag that has โGimme A Smileโ printed on it! Ben says that he has had many positive responses when wearing this name tag. Among the other suggestions on his list are:
Be A Friend
Help Someone Today
Climb the Hill
Fulfill Your Promise
Tell the Truth
Learn to Listen
Be Thankful Today
Be a Friend
I Love You
This list proves that often many words are not needed to convey great inspiration and truth.
CaringBridge Site for Gary Schneider
Retiree Gary Schneider has created a CaringBridge Site to keep friends informed following surgery earlier this year. Gary is Assistant Dean Emeritus, Herbert College of Agriculture (formerly CASNR). Before that role, he was professor and head, Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries. Visit the CaringBridge site.
Updated Contact Information for Jim Pointer
Several folks have requested information for the best way to get in contact with retiree Jim Pointer. He was editor/coordinator for the UTIA Retirees Association for many years after his retirement as professor, Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design in 1989. It is suggested that if his cell phone does not ring through that you try a different number, which you may obtain from the membership directory.
Retireeโs Birthday Celebration Makes News
Mildred Clarke, former family and consumer sciences assistant dean with UT Extension, celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this year complete with a drive-thru parade.
Join Us on Facebook
For more retiree news and photos, join us on Facebook.
Shelia Settles, Extension Agent and County Director, Houston County
Friday, May 29, 2020
This is it! My last day with UT Extension is today! Thirty-seven years is a long time! I went from a college graduate to retiree in the same job! I will miss everyone, but on to new activities . . . I am keeping my email address from work. Bye for now. Remember me when you need a volunteer.
H. Dwight Loveday, Associate Professor
July 15, 2020
Extension Friends,
The purpose of this email is to inform you of my intent to retire from the University of Tennessee effective August 3, 2020. I have enjoyed my thirty-seven years of professional experience serving in the 4-H Youth Development and Food Science Departments. I am grateful for the professional opportunities I have experienced at UT. Also, I greatly value the relationships that I have made while working in UTIA. It is the people that make working in Extension a wonderful experience.
My plans are to spend more time with family, especially the grand kids, travel some, volunteer (probably become a 4-H volunteer!) and work on furthering the sheep farm.
Again, thank you for being great coworkers at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture.
Linda K. Bower, Extension Regional Program Leader, Eastern Region
August 31, 2020
Good afternoon,
Today after I send this email and turn off my computer, my career as a full-time employee with UT Extension will come to an end. After forty-two-plus years, itโs time to retire and move to the next phase of life. Extension had changed significantly since March 1, 1978, when I walked into the Extension Office in Polk County and asked โWhat is it Iโm supposed to do?โ Iโve been learning ever since.
The highlight of my Extension career has been the opportunity to serve and lead the agents and program assistants with FCS and 4-H in the Eastern Region. Watching you grow and develop and make a difference in peopleโs lives has been the most rewarding.
Iโve enjoyed working with many of you across the state, the Central and Western Region staff, the State FCS and 4-H Departments and Extension Administration. Thanks to my co-workers over the years in Polk County and Carter County who helped prepare me for my role as the program leader. Special thanks to everyone past and present at the Eastern Region Office. They made it a joy to come to work every day (well, most days!) Especially good was when we moved to the new office that gave us room to breathe. All of them took care of me through the physical challenges I faced these past few years.
Retiring today brings a new opportunity tomorrow. Starting September 1, I will begin a 25 percent post-retirement appointment as the Eastern Region Program Leader working with FCS. Itโs five days a month, which will provide me time to continue working with the best agents. Iโll continue this appointment until the new FCS/4-H Program Leader starts work.
When I was growing up, I loved watching Bob Hopeโs TV specials. Google if you donโt know him. One of the best parts was when he sang โThanks for the Memories.โ Since singing is not one of my God-given talents, Iโll just say thanks for the memories over these past 42 years!!!
Laura Bolt
Extension Assistant, Family and Consumer Sciences
David Vandergriff
Extension Agent III, Knox County
Rick Thomason
Extension Director, Johnson County
The UT Human Resources Office reports the following persons retired or departed recently from UTIA.
- Robert Gene Ary Jr., Extension Agent III and County Director, Sumner County
- Lonella Jane Barcroft, Accounting Specialist II, AgResearch
- Linda K. Bower, Extension Program Leader III, Eastern Region
- Linda Diane Brickey, Extension Administrative Support Assistant II, Grainger County
- Brenda Jane Caylor, Extension Administrative Support Assistant II, Blount County
- Thomas J. Doherty, Professor, Large Animal Clinical Sciences, CVM
- Jeffrey Warren Helgren, Agricultural Service Assistant I, Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center
- F. David Kirkpatrick, Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Animal Science
- Lynne M. Knight, Extension Agent III, Lake County
- Paris L. Lambdin, Professor, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
- Vicki Suzzanne Lofty, Extension Agent III and County Director, Marion County
- H. Dwight Loveday, Associate Professor, 4-H Youth Development, UT Extension
- Anne-Marie Mitchell, Extension Administrative Support Assistant II, Williamson County
- Edward Charles Ramsay, Professor, Small Animal Clinical Sciences, CVM
- Kirche Courtenay Rogers, Information Specialist I, UTIA Marketing and Communications
- Sheila S. Settles, Extension Agent III and County Director, Houston County
- David S. Stone, Financial Specialist II, AgResearch
- Loretta Sue Taylor, Extension Administrative Support Aide II, Fayette County
- Glenn K. Turner, Extension Agent III, Sevier County
- Barbara M. Vantrease, Extension Administrative Support Assistant II, Smith County
- Rachel Elizabeth Bradshaw, Extension Agent I and County Director, Unicoi County
- Lee Daniel Flood, Statistician, CVM
- Lewis Halward Helms, Building Services Assistant II, CVM
- Eric Michael Hilton, Senior Clinical Specialist I, Small Animal Clinical Sciences, CVM
- Amy Lynn Holford, Clinical Asst Professor, Small Animal Clinical Sciences, CVM
- Jacob Michael Hyder, Agricultural Service Supervisor I, Plateau AgResearch and Education Center
- Hannah Armstrong McClellan, Research Associate I, Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
- Naveen Kumar Rajasagi, Research Assistant Professor, Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences, CVM
- Ginger Trice Rowsey, Information Specialist I, UTIA Marketing and Communications
- Benjamin Parker Smith, Pharmacist, CVM
Name links to obituary.
Philip Pryor โPhilโ Hunter, 72, of Greeneville, passed away Thursday, July 16, 2020, peacefully at his residence. He was superintendent of the AgResearch and Education Center at Greeneville. He earlier worked in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at Knoxville. Funeral services were held at Monday, July 20, 2020, in the chapel at Kiser-Rose Hill in Greeneville. Graveside services were held Tuesday, July 21, at Green Lawn Cemetery.

Joe High, 92, former superintendent of the Middle Tennessee Experiment Station, now Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center, passed away July 22, 2020. The family held a private graveside service. Memorials may be sent to the Maury County Public Library.
Gertie M. Porter, age 83 of Knoxville (Halls), passed away May 26, 2020. She was a secretary for the UT Extension. Visitation was held Saturday, May 30, 2020, at Mynatt Funeral Home Halls Chapel, with interment following at Lynnhurst Cemetery.
Craig Wagoner, 59, spouse of UTIA administrative coordinator Trish Wagoner, passed away Friday, August 28, 2020. Craig retired from UTIA in 2014 after a very successful thirty-year career in the Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science. Cards may be sent to Trish Wagoner, 7424 Palmleaf Road, Knoxville, TN 37918.
We express sincere comfort and/or speedy healing to the following UTIA employees or retirees:
Sympathy is expressed to the family of Sally Garvin Smith, 84, of Antioch, Tennessee, who passed away July 11, 2020. Smith was a long-time 4-H volunteer in Davidson County. A full obituary is available online.
Sympathy is expressed toย Martin Koon, Extension Central Region, in the death of his mother, Peggy Koon, who passed away July 20, 2020. A full obituary isย available online. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Parkinsonโs Foundation at Parkinson.Org.
Sympathy is expressed toย Michaela Pedigo, Macon County FCS/4-H Agent, in the death of her grandfather, Bobby Smith, on July 22, 2020. Our deepest sympathies go out to Michaela and her family during this difficult time. A full obituary isย available online.
Sympathy is expressed toย Justin Hargrove, Extension agent in Benton County, in the passing of this grandfather, Bill Hargrove, on July 29, 2020. A full obituary isย available online.
Sympathy is expressed to the family of Robert Lawrence Buck Sr., a 1955 animal Science graduate, who passed away August 11, 2020. Buck started a tradition with the University that has now spanned three generations. You can read an article about the family. A full obituary is available online.
Ag Day 2020 Canceled
Tim Cross, UTIA Senior Vice President and Senior Vice Chancellor
As we have witnessed over the past number of months, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to re-evaluate hosting large events. The UT Institute of Agriculture’s annual Ag Day celebration is no exception.
Based on the recommendation of our Ag Day Committee, our executive team has decided to cancel this year’s event, which was planned for October 3. This decision was not an easy one, as we know how many of our employees, friends, and supporters enjoy having this time each year to gather and celebrate the university’s focus on agriculture. However, the safety of all those concerned is first and foremost in our minds. Due to the large number of guests anticipated and the confined space we have available to us, we simply could not determine a way to hold the event in the manner in which it is most enjoyable.
The good news is, barring any unforeseen circumstances, we will be back next year! Our committee is already working on plans for Ag Day 2021, and we will keep you posted on the details, including a new date, as the event draws near.
UTIA to Launch Innovative UT Agribusiness Academy
Grant-funded Project Designed to Bolster Enrollment in Post-secondary Agribusiness Programs
The UT Institute of Agriculture has been awarded a $300,000 grant to create instructional resources and develop a self-sustaining professional development programโthe UT Agribusiness Academyโfor current Tennessee secondary agriculture teachers.
Hamilton Receives APGA Award of Merit
Retired UT Gardens Director Recognized for Bloominโ Great Career
Susan Hamilton, the recently retired director of the UT Gardens, has received the American Public Gardens Association Award of Merit for 2020. The award was presented at the American Public Gardens Association 2020 virtual conference held online June 25-July 9
Scott Stewart to Lead West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center
Scott Stewart has been appointed director of the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center beginning October 1, 2020. Longtime Center director Bob Hayes retired at the end of September after more than forty years of service.
Williams Named Head of Department of Food Science
The UT Institute of Agriculture has named Robert C. Williams as head of the Department of Food Science. Williams is currently a professor of food microbiology at Virginia Tech with more than eighteen years of service to academia and the food science industry. His appointment with UTIA begins in January 2021 at the opening of the spring semester.
Holland Accepts Interim Assistant Dean Role
The UT Institute of Agriculture has chosen a familiar face across Tennessee agriculture to serve as an interim assistant dean of UT Extension. Rob Holland stepped into the role September 1 and maintains responsibilities as director of the UT Center for Profitable Agriculture.
Fox to Lead Family and Consumer Sciences
Janet Fox will join UT Institute of Agriculture as assistant dean and head of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences on February 1, 2021. Currently, Fox is the department head of the Louisiana 4-H Youth Development Program, which serves more than 200,000 youth annually with award-winning, experiential programs.
Faculty Recognition
UTIA faculty members David Kirkpatrick, retired professor of animal science; Al Womac, professor of biosystems engineering; and Karen Armsey, director of HABIT, College of Veterinary Medicine, recently received special recognition for their outstanding service in their field of expertise.
Membership in the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Retirees Association is for anyone who has worked five or more years for The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. The organization’s membership includes former employees from the Herbert College of Agriculture, the College of Veterinary Medicine, UT AgResearch and UT Extension.
It doesn’t matter if you were one of the support staff, a teacher, research scientist, Extension educator, a farm worker, custodian, laboratory technician or an administrator. If you worked at UTIA, we welcome you to join.
A major objective of UTIA Retirees Association is to unite all former University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture workers and to provide channels for communication and friendship after employees leave the Institute. Our newsletter and web pages are communication links with the Institute and current and retired employees.
When employees retire or terminate employment at UTIA, their names are added to our mailing list to receive a complimentary issue of the quarterly newsletter and an invitation to the next area meeting scheduled in the area where they reside. During this period, retirees have the opportunity to decide whether or not they want to continue their contact with former co-workers by joining the UTIA Retirees Association. The cost is $30 for a lifetime membership.
The UTIA Retirees Association newsletter is published quarterly by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and employment programs and services. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or covered veteran status.
UTIA Retirees Association
2621 Morgan Circle Drive || Knoxville, TN 37996
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