John Jared, President
UTIA Retirees Association
The “tweener days” of winter—after the holidays and before spring—can sure seem long and dreary. After Christmas bills, icy roads, single-digit temperatures, wind chill factors below zero, the pinnacle of the flu season, gigantic heat bills, and the looming reality of April 15 all contribute significantly to driving the misery index higher. And while Punxsutawney Phil’s occasional forecast for an early spring may excite some, his track record for being correct has proven to be less than dependable.
Nevertheless, there are numerous days and events that contribute to making the days of winter a little brighter. The Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, the Daytona 500 (for you race fans), March Madness, and the anticipation of more sunshine, warmer days, and lower utility bills all help to make the least favorite time of the year for many more bearable. A huge bonus this year has been the 2018 Winter Games from PyeongChang. And of course, a winning UT basketball season for both the women and men and the hiring of a new and promising head football coach certainly helped to bring smiles to all Big Orange fans.
the date, location and other info for the meeting in your area.
One very important item of business that will be conducted during the annual meetings will be the election of new and returning officers for the year 2018-2019. While the growth and direction of the association relies heavily on the leadership of the people elected, we can neither ask nor expect our leaders to do the job alone. They will need strong support and encouragement from each member from the get-go, and showing our support of them by participating in spring meetings is a great place to begin. With everyone working together, our association can reach new heights in the coming year . . . but we must make that commitment!
Last but not least, I want to extend a huge welcome to the retirees who have joined our family in recent weeks. New members include Ed Burns, Joyce Coombs, Bernice Knox, Janet Newton, Libby Parrott, and Hugh Savoy! Thanks to each of you for choosing to become valued members of the UTIA Retirees Association. The talents and skills you bring to the table will only make the organization stronger and more relevant. And always remember, you are important and appreciated!
In closing, I wish for everyone a wonderful 2018! I trust it will be the best year ever for our association and for each member individually. Hopefully, I will see many of you at the spring meetings. I definitely look forward to each opportunity!
As we near the Easter celebration, my desire is for each of you to celebrate and enjoy this very special occasion to the fullest with family and friends. May it be a time of reflection and encouragement for everyone!
Have a blessed and Happy Easter! May you find the “Golden Egg!”