Dear Friends,
The motto for the UTIA Retirees Association could be “To foster harmony and good communications and to support the programs of UTIA.” This statement is a summary of a phone conversation that I had with James L. (Jim) Pointer a few weeks ago, as I was preparing for the State-Eastern Area Annual meeting. You may be aware that the original organization started as an Extension Retirees organization and then later expanded to include the entire Institute. None of the original leaders from fifty years ago are still living, but Jim (with the able assistance of his late wife Ms. Cordie) was very instrumental in supporting the Retirees Association over the years, as were Marion Mariner and LaVerne Farmer and others. We owe them all a sincere debt of thanks.
As Jim shared with me, it became obvious that he appreciates the good that has been accomplished across the state, through the hard work of so many. He also cherishes his friends and enjoys hearing from them. Jim recently celebrated his ninety-eighth birthday and is a true inspiration to us all. In fact, it seems that our three elder statesmen/women of the Retirees Association are Mildred Clarke, Pointer, and M. Lloyd Downen. At the State-Eastern Area meeting in Knoxville on April 10, Jim was warmly welcomed by his many friends and says he is looking forward to the event next year as well. Steve Sutton and his team arranged an excellent program for the State-Eastern Area meeting including a delicious 4-H barbecue lunch.
This spring has been a busy time for UTIA Retirees activities. It was a privilege to attend State 4-H Congress in March and present the State 4-H Essay Awards and view the ten State winning 4-H Posters. Both of these activities are sponsored by the State UTIA Retirees Association. Later in April, Pat Whitaker welcomed the Central Area group to Milton, and on May 7, the planning team of Phyliss Boyce, Linda Tinch, and Jenny Yeary hosted the Cumberland Area members in Cookeville. Information about these meetings can be found in this newsletter. The Western Area meeting was held in early June in Jackson and it was a pleasure to be there for another good day with former co-workers and friends. Information about these meetings can be found in this newsletter
I would encourage all members to participate in the spring meetings, the fall gatherings, and other events during the year. We may look a little (or a lot) different than we did fifty years ago, but the joy and the fellowship and the desire to serve have not diminished. This Association is made up of an amazing group of people and it is a privilege to serve in this role.
Have a good summer and blessings on you all.