Volume 30, Number 2
June, 2018 Newsletter
Message from the President

Dear Retiree Family,
As my tenure comes to a close, I look back over the past two years with many fond memories. While the position was a bit demanding, and sometimes intimidating, serving the UTIA Retirees Association has been a most enjoyable and rewarding experience in many ways. Allow me to share just a few.
One of the things I will always remember and cherish was the unselfish support that you, the members, continuously gave and the trust you placed in me to lead the organization. Your spirit of cooperation and willingness to get involved far exceeded all expectations. I was honored to be your leader. Continue reading the newsletter…
Steve Sutton
The combined Eastern area and state meeting of the UTIA Retirees Association was held on Thursday April 19, 2018, at the UT Eastern Region office at Downtown West in Knoxville. There were fifty members and guests in attendance.

Steve Sutton, Eastern Area vice president, presided and welcomed the group to the annual meeting. Danny Lawson, senior representative of the State 4-H Council, brought the thought for the day and thanked the association for its sponsorship of the State 4-H Poster Art Contest and State 4-H Congress Essay Contest.
UTIA Chancellor Tim Cross addressed the group and gave a brief update. The speaker was Justin Crowe, Extension specialist in the 4-H Youth Development/ALEC Department. Justin shared anecdotal incidences as to the impact UTIA and UT Extension had played in his life.

John Jared presided at the state business meeting. Martha Jo Tolley presented the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports. Both documents were approved by the membership. UTIA administrators in attendance included Dean Robert Burns, Dean Caula Beyl, Dean Jim Thompson, Interim Dean Fred Tompkins, and Vice Chancellor Lisa Stearns. The UTIA Office of Advancement was represented by Evan Beech.
Brenda Voiles, chair of the nominating committee, reported the following officers:
- Eastern Area: Steve Sutton, vice president, and George Grandle secretary
- Cumberland Area: Phyllis Boyce, vice president, and Pat Grimes, secretary
- Central Area: Pat Whitaker, vice president, and Warren Gill, secretary
- Western Area: John Bradley, vice president, and Mary Kate Ridgeway, secretary
- State: Ruth Henderson McQueen, president, and Sandie Morton, secretary/treasurer
David Yates, conference co-chair, gave a brief update on the upcoming NACAA national meeting in Chattanooga. The group was made aware that 2019 would be the fiftieth anniversary of the association and was challenged to think about ways we might celebrate this milestone. It was announced that Ag Day will be September 22, 2018 (UT vs Florida).
The group was pleased to welcome UT President Joe DiPietro to the state meeting. DiPietro spoke to those in attendance and answered questions from the floor.
Steve Sutton and Brenda Voiles presented plaques to John Jared and Martha Jo Tolley for their past two years of service as state officers of the association. Ray Humberd led the group in remembering those coworkers whom we lost this past year, and Andy Seals gave the invocation for the meal. The group enjoyed a delicious barbecue chicken lunch prepared by the Knox County 4-H volunteer leaders.
UT Central Area Retiree Luncheon at the Grove in Murfreesboro
Warren Gill

It was a blustery April day, but that didn’t stop some twenty-five UT Central Area Retirees from attending the Spring Meeting and Luncheon at the Grove in Murfreesboro, an exciting new meeting venue created from an old dairy farm complex that is just off I-24. It is loaded with country charm surrounded by a busy, growing city!
The brief business meeting resulted in Pat Whitaker being retained as Central Area VP and Warren Gill staying on as secretary-treasurer. State President John Jared gave an update including the ability of the state retiree organization to help area UTIA Retiree groups by assisting with financial and other arrangements for meetings.
The program was excellent, starting with a report from two outstanding Bedford County 4-H members, Jacob and Joshua Wade, who related their experiences leading up to becoming state 4-H officers.
This was followed by a lively presentation from Brandon Witt who originated the Grove and who is one of the best Agra-tourism experts around. The caterer, Carolyn Miller, again provided seasonable, wonderful lunch food.
Thanks also to Tiffany Howard, representing the UTIA Foundation. The Central Area UTIA Retirees appreciate the support from the Foundation in recent years.
Building Dedication Ceremony Honors A.C. Clark
Linda Tinch

The Cumberland Area Retiree group held its spring meeting, May 1, 2018, at the Clyde M. York 4-H Center in Crossville. The highlight of the meeting was the naming of the Recreation Hall in honor and memory of Mr. A.C. Clark, who passed away in 2017.
Carolyn Fox welcomed the group of about seventy-five members and guests. The dedication ceremony began with remarks from UTIA Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement Keith Barber and UT Extension Dean Robert Burns. Retirees Roger Thackston, Steve Officer, and Albert Warren honored Mr. Clark by sharing favorite memories, experiences, and funny stories.
Mr. Clark was former District IV supervisor. After retiring from Extension, he served as Tennessee’s Commissioner of Agriculture, was a member of the Governor’s Resource Development Committee, the UT Board of Trustees, the Tennessee Board of Regents, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission, and the 4-H Foundation Hall of Fame. He also served as president of the Tennessee Rehabilitation Corporation, and was member of the UT Benefactors Society and the TTU Presidents Club.
To honor the selfless contributions given by A.C. Clark, the recreation hall at the Clyde M. York 4-H Center was named the A.C. Clark Recreation Hall. Richard Clark, assistant Extension dean, 4-H Youth Development, and Linda Tinch, former District IV Extension secretary, unveiled a portrait and plaque presented to the camp by former UT District IV Extension employees and friends.
Mr. Clark’s wife, Katherine, attended the ceremony along with their four children: Jim Clark, Eddie and Sarah Clark, Sandra and Ken Shepherd, and Patricia Taylor. Grandchildren and great grandchildren were also in attendance. Comments from Eddie Clark on behalf of the family provided touching remembrances and sincere appreciation for the amount of time, effort and dedication of so many who worked so hard to make this honor possible.
At the conclusion of the dedication ceremony, a brief business meeting was held with the following items: (1) Nomination and election of 2019 Cumberland Area Officers: VP-Phyliss Boyce, Secretary-Pat Grimes. (2) Memorial Tribute. (3) UTIA Retirees update from President John Jared.
The meeting adjourned to the cafeteria for a delicious lunch prepared by camp staff.
Western Area Retirees
John Bradley

The UTIA Western Area Retirees gathered on Thursday, April 26, at the country home of John and Debra Bradley in Lutts, Tennessee, located near the Wayne and Hardin County border. The location drew twenty-five retirees and spouses from the former West and Middle Tennessee Districts. The relaxed farm setting was conducive to renewing former working relationships and just visiting. A home-cooked lunch was served by Debra Bradley and her son, Tim Raymond. The outside farm tour of the beef cattle and bees operation was canceled due to rain, but many lingered into the afternoon to continue visiting. A short business session was conducted by Western Area President Steve Glass. John Bradley was elected vice president, and Mary Kate Ridgeway was elected secretary-treasurer for the coming year. State President John Jared gave a short presentation to bring all up to date on state activities and expressed his enthusiasm for the Western Area being rejuvenated. Michele Sides, UTIA director of Advancement, also attended. There was much interest and enthusiasm for a fall meeting with the location to be planned and announced.
For more retiree news and photos, join us on Facebook at facebook.com/UTIARETIREES.
Mirian Wright Retirement Reception, June 21, noon, UT Gardens, Knoxville, McIllwaine Pavilion
Summer Celebration, one of the largest gardening shows in the Midsouth, will be held at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday, July 12. Admission is $5 for adults (cash or check only) and free for children under 18. More program information can be found on the Western Region website .
The Tobacco, Beef and More Field Day will be held Thursday, June 21, at the Highland Rim AgResearch and Education Center. Registration begins at 8 a.m. The complete program schedule can be found on the Highland Rim website.
The Milan No-Till Field Day returns on Thursday, July 26, at the AgResearch and Education Center at Milan. Gates open at 6 a.m. CDT with presentations and an agricultural trade show beginning at 7 a.m. The field day will conclude at 2 p.m. More information, including a list of presentations, is available on the Milan website.
Tompkins Serves as Interim Dean of AgResearch
Fred Tompkins returned to UTIA on April 9 as interim dean for AgResearch, filling the position recently vacated by Bill Brown. A national search will be initiated in the next few weeks, with the goal of appointing a continuing dean within a year.
Fred is no stranger to the Institute of Agriculture or the University of Tennessee. He first joined UTIA as a student in 1968, completed his BS and PhD degrees in biosystems engineering, then was appointed to a faculty position in 1974, serving as assistant professor, associate professor, professor, and distinguished professor in the Department of Biosystems Engineering. Next, he served as department head from 1991 to 1994, and then moved to the College of Engineering where he assumed responsibilities as associate dean and later interim dean from 1994 through 2003.
Following his service in the College of Engineering, Fred went on to serve the University as interim vice president for research, president and CEO of the UT Research Foundation, and associate vice president for research and economic development from 2003 to 2014. His latest assignment was as director of the office of Oak Ridge operations for the UT System.
UTIA Celebrates Student Fulbright Winners
The UT Institute of Agriculture has new bragging rights thanks to two extremely accomplished students. Alex Crockett, of Jamestown, Tennessee, and Miles Ownby, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, have won Fulbright awards, giving them the opportunity to study, research, and teach in cities around the world during the 2018-2019 academic year. The Institute’s winning students are both members of the class of 2018, Haslam scholars, and will soon be graduates of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.
Two UTIA Researchers Named Fulbright Scholars
Seong-Hoon Cho, professor and researcher at the UT Institute of Agriculture, will spend six months in South Korea, designing the country’s framework for forest carbon sequestration payments that optimizes risk/reward trade-offs.
The project, inspired by a new USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture project that Cho is leading for the next three years, includes designing an innovative framework that merges economics, finance modeling and ecological modeling to help determine optimal spatial targeting of incentive payments to encourage forest carbon sequestration. Sequestering carbon through the reforestation and/or avoiding deforestation is a cost-effective means of mitigating climate change.
In addition to his research activities, Cho, a natural resource and environmental economist in UTIA’s Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, will also teach at Korea University, a leading university in South Korea, and foster academic ties between KU and the University of Tennessee.
In Africa as well as across other continents, several indigenous crop species have the potential to become foods of the future for growing populations. UTIA’s Denita Hadziabdic Guerry is among the scientists working to integrate the frafra potato (Solenostemon rotendifolius) into existing agricultural research platforms and thus transform the species into an alternative food source grown in west Africa.
Hadziabdic Guerry is an assistant professor of fungal and population genetics and biodiversity on the faculty of the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. She has recently received a Fulbright Award to the African Regional Research Program to study the frafra potato as an alternative food source. Hadziabdic Guerry will spend four months in Ghana spanning from late 2018 into 2019 working closely with her collaborator at the University of Ghana, Naalamle Amissah, to evaluate the genetic diversity of frafra potato populations in Ghana and surrounding sub-Saharan African countries where the species is cultivated. The tuber, which is similar to a sweet potato, is an underutilized food crop.
The Fulbright US Scholar Program offers teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in more than 160 countries each year. Fulbright alumni include 59 Nobel Laureates, 82 Pulitzer Prize winners, 71 MacArthur Fellows, 16 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients and thousands of leaders across the private, public and nonprofit sectors. Since its inception in 1946, more than 360,000 “Fulbrighters†have participated in the program.
Introducing the 2018 Farm Credit Scholars
Five outstanding students with the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) have been selected as the 2018 Farm Credit Mid-America Scholars. Chosen through a rigorous selection process, these students will receive a $3,000 annual scholarship, along with many educational and professional development opportunities funded through the generous support of Farm Credit Mid-America. This year’s Farm Credit Scholars are Erin Bacon, a sophomore from Dandridge in ag leadership, education and communication and animal science; John Calvin Bryant, a junior from Lawrenceburg majoring in food science; Cora Beth Key, a sophomore from Celina in animal science; Madison Kilbarger, a sophomore from Jamestown, Ohio, majoring in food and agricultural business; and Hailey Rose Viars, a sophomore from Loudon in ag leadership, education and communications and public relations.
Announcing the 2018 Herbert Scholars
It is with great pride that the University of Tennessee College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources announces the 2018 Class of Herbert Scholars. As Herbert Scholars, these five students will engage in transformative experiential learning opportunities throughout the summer. Herbert Scholars use their summer experiences to lay a strong foundation for future success as leaders in the agricultural and natural resources industry as well as preparation for the world of agribusiness. The five students are Mae Allen, a junior majoring in animal science in the animal industries concentration; Benjamin Cruz, a junior majoring in biosystems engineering; Rhys Fielder is a junior in plant sciences—turfgrass science and management; Cassidy Giles, a junior majoring in plant sciences in the landscape design concentration; and Robert Sears, a senior majoring in plant sciences in the biotechnology concentration.
Information About Retirees

UTIA Retirees Association members Steve Sutton, Cherry Lane Darken, and Ruth Henderson McQueen enjoyed seeing the state-winning entries in the 4-H Poster Art Contest on exhibit at the Tennessee 4-H Congress, March 18-21, 2018, in Murfreesboro. These posters were selected from among more than 29,000 entries statewide.

Ella McLerran of Clay County wrote the state-winning essay at the 71st Annual Tennessee 4-H Congress. She received a cash award from the UTIA Retirees Association represented by Eastern Area vice president Steve Sutton and a personalized backpack sponsored by Jenny Yeary.
Former UTIA workers or retirees who have recently joined the Association as lifetime members are:
J. Scott Chadwell
Worked for: Extension
Last title: Extension Director
Location: Putnam County
Drucilla Ray
Worked for: Extension
Last title: Program Assistant TNCEP
Location: Putnam County
Carlene Jane Welch
Worked for: Extension
Last title: Extension Agent-4-H
Location: Knox County
Timothy P. Campbell
Worked for: Extension
Last title: Extension Agent III, County Director
Location: Dyer County
Tim Smith
Worked for: Extension
Last Title: Extension Director
Location: Obion County
The UT Human Resources Office reports the following persons retired or departed recently from UTIA.
- Theresa Cook Allan, Extension Agent III, Sumner County,
- Raul A. Almeida, Research Associate Professor, Animal Science, AgResearch
- Linda M. Beets, Accounting Specialist I, Large Animal Clinical Sciences, CVM
- Patricia A. Brawley, Research Associate I, West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center
- Mary J. Bryant, Laboratory Section Chief III, Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences, CVM
- Emily C. Gray, Instructor, CASNR
- Janice C. Hemsley, Accounting Specialist I, Veterinary Hospital, CVM
- Edgar Lynn Ottinger, Agricultural Service Aide II, Greeneville AgResearch and Education Center
- Richard J. Powell, Extension Western Region Director
- Sharon Louise Schlosshan, Senior Histotechnologist I, Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences, CVM
- Timothy R. Smith, Extension Agent III and County Director, Obion County
- Scott Benjamin Boyle, Communications Coordinator II, Plant Sciences
- William Francis Brown, Dean, AgResearch
- Jose Ruben Castro, Clinical Assistant Professor, Large Animal Clinical Sciences, CVM
- Mei-Zhen Cui, Professor, Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences, CVM
- Terry Lee Ferrell, Agricultural Service Assistant I, AgResearch and Education Center at Milan
- April Lashonda Glover, Extension Agent I, Cheatham County
- Chen Hu, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences, CVM
- Christopher James McCandless, Agricultural Service Assistant II, Ridley 4-H Center, UT Extension
Name links to obituary.
Mary Ann Mills, age 82, Maryville passed away on April 1, 2018. She worked at UTIA in the Biosystems and Environmental Soil Science and earlier in Agricultural Engineering. A graveside service was held Thursday, April 5, at 1:00 p.m. at Salem Baptist Church Cemetery, 4602 Salem Road, Greenback, TN 37742

Joan Kirby Presnell passed away April 13, 2018. She retired from UT Department of Animal Science. A private family service was held. Memorials can be made to Alzheimer’s Tennessee, 5801 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919. Condolences may be offered at Berry Lynnhurst Funeral Home.
Ron Rogers, former Extension agent from DeKalb County, passed away May 28. Ron spent more than thirty years working with youth and farmers in the county. His legacy remains in the people he worked with through the imprint he made on their lives. Ron leaves behind his wife, Linda, of forty-six years and countless 4-H members who loved him dearly. Funeral services were conducted Thursday, May 31, 2018, at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Burial followed in Walnut Grove Cemetery in Livingston. Ron’s request was for donations to be made to either the DeKalb County 4-H, DeKalb Animal Coalition, Smithville Church of Christ or Northside Church of Christ, in his memory.
Raymond Sutton passed away on Wednesday, April 30, at the Tennova Convalescent Center in Newport. Raymond was an Extension agent and the county director in Cocke County. He was hired in 1949 as the first full-time 4-H agent in the county and retired in 1986 with 37 years of service. The family received friends at the First United Methodist Church in Newport on Monday, April 30, 2018. A memorial service immediately followed. In lieu of flowers, gifts may be sent to the First United Methodist Church, 212 Washington Avenue, Newport, TN 37821 or the Tennessee 4-H Foundation, 2621 Morgan Circle, Room 205, Knoxville, TN 37996-4510.
Kreis Weigel, a former medical photographer at UTCVM, passed away April 26. Services were held on Friday, May 4, at the Redemption Church, 3550 Pleasant Ridge Road, Knoxville. Receiving of friends was from 5:30-7:00 p.m. with the Celebration of Life following.
We express sincere comfort and/or speedy healing to the following UTIA employees or retirees:
Sympathy is expressed to the family of Sue Walker, who passed away on Monday, April 30. Sue is the mother of Steve Walker, retired county director and agent in Macon County, the grandmother of Macon County 4-H agent Kayla Jenkins, and mother-in-law of Randall Kimes, former county director for UT Extension Clay County.
Sympathy is expressed to the family of Sue Williams. Sue was the widow of the late Don Williams, former professor and head of the Department of Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design. Many knew Sue from her hospitality at their home and garden or from her wildflower tours in the Smokies.
Our hearts go out to John and Paige Goddard, who lost their daughter Greer, age 27, in an automobile accident on Tuesday afternoon, April 17, 2018. John serves as Extension agent in Loudon County. Greer was a very active 4-H member, and the entire Goddard family has been engaged in many UTIA events, activities and programs for more than 30 years.
We are saddened to announce that Kevin Ferguson‘s father, Elder Floyd Wayne Ferguson, age 87, of Red Boiling Springs, passed away on Sunday, April 8, 2018 at Macon County General Hospital in Lafayette, Tennessee. Funeral services were held Wednesday, April 11, at 11:00 a.m. from the Anderson & Son Funeral Home Chapel. Interment followed in the Anderson and Son Memorial Park.
Sympathy is expressed to Tracy Hagan, 4-H agent in Lawrence County, in the death of her father, who passed away Thursday, April 5.
Sympathy is expressed to Washington County administrative assistant Millie Hanson in the passing of her brother, Daniel Casey. In lieu of flowers the family has asked for monetary donations for the funeral costs.
Sympathy is expressed to Brenda Voiles in the death of her mother, Martha Lou Epperson Keith, age 89, who passed away Monday, April 30, 2018, at Morning Pointe Assisted Living of Powell. Family and friends met at Lynnhurst Cemetery for a graveside service on Saturday, May 5.
We are sad to report that Whitney Fair‘s mother, Judy Fair, passed away May 5 after a long battle with cancer. She had been in the care of her two daughters. Funeral services were held, Tuesday, May 8, at West Park Baptist Church. A graveside service was held May 9.
Sympathy is expressed to Amy Cooley, administrative specialist in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, who lost her mother, Audrie Lea Morrow Walden, age 72, on May 1.
Membership in the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Retirees Association is for anyone who has worked five or more years for The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. The organization’s membership includes former employees from the Herbert College of Agriculture, the College of Veterinary Medicine, UT AgResearch and UT Extension.
It doesn’t matter if you were one of the support staff, a teacher, research scientist, Extension educator, a farm worker, custodian, laboratory technician or an administrator. If you worked at UTIA, we welcome you to join.
A major objective of UTIA Retirees Association is to unite all former University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture workers and to provide channels for communication and friendship after employees leave the Institute. Our newsletter and web pages are communication links with the Institute and current and retired employees.
When employees retire or terminate employment at UTIA, their names are added to our mailing list to receive a complimentary issue of the quarterly newsletter and an invitation to the next area meeting scheduled in the area where they reside. During this period, retirees have the opportunity to decide whether or not they want to continue their contact with former co-workers by joining the UTIA Retirees Association. The cost is $30 for a lifetime membership.
The UTIA Retirees Association newsletter is published quarterly by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and employment programs and services. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or covered veteran status.
UTIA Retirees Association
2621 Morgan Circle Drive || Knoxville, TN 37996
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For more retiree news and photos, join us on Facebook.