John Jared, President UTIA Retirees Association
Dear Retiree Family,
As my tenure comes to a close, I look back over the past two years with many fond memories. While the position was a bit demanding, and sometimes intimidating, serving the UTIA Retirees Association has been a most enjoyable and rewarding experience in many ways. Allow me to share just a few.
One of the things I will always remember and cherish was the unselfish support that you, the members, continuously gave and the trust you placed in me to lead the organization. Your spirit of cooperation and willingness to get involved far exceeded all expectations. I was honored to be your leader.
Another memorable experience was the opportunity to work with the area officers. This group in particular went the extra mile to get the job done and deserves much credit for each of the good things the association experienced during the past two years. Without the involvement of a competent team of area officers, nothing positive would have been accomplished.
The very successful area spring meetings are good examples of the area officers’ dedication and leadership. In all cases, the meetings were enjoyable, appropriate, well attended, and the food and fellowship were excellent. It was my pleasure to travel across the state and participate in each of the four meetings this year. I must say it was time well spent, although I did get lost in Columbia on my way back home from the Western Area meeting in Lutts.
An additional highlight that comes to mind was the opportunity to interact and work with our UTIA administration. The chancellor, vice chancellors, and deans were and continue to be super supportive of the association. For that, we are truly grateful. A huge thank you is in order for each one.
Last but certainly not least, my most memorable experience will always be the opportunity I had to work with three special people: Brenda Voiles, Martha Jo Tolley, and George Mays. I would not have made it to first base without the expertise, assistance, and support they each gave. I leaned on them heavily and often. Yet, they were always there regardless. I could not have asked for three more dedicated and helpful coworkers. Thank you Brenda, Martha, and George!
In closing, please allow me to express my sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks to everyone. I will remain truly grateful for the opportunity you extended to me to serve as your president. I’ve enjoyed the journey and look forward to contributing to the UTIA Retirees Association in the days ahead. I’m proud to be a member of the retiree family!
Press on!!!