Volume 28, Number 2
June 2016 Newsletter
Central Meeting Set for June 8
FUTIAWA Central meeting will be held over breakfast on June 8, 2016, 8:30 a.m. at Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation Building (Conference Rooms) at 147 Bear Creek Pike, Columbia, TN 38401. The entrance to the conference room is to the back of the building. $5.00 will be collected at the door. RSVP to Karen Johnson.
Summer Celebration to Highlight Gardening with a Purpose
Edible Landscape Designs Take Center Stage at Annual Lawn and Garden Show

Planting peppers with petunias? Cucumbers next to coleus? Garden designs are trending away from the purely ornamental to more functional layouts that provide sustenance as well as style.
The theme of the UTA Summer Celebration Lawn and Garden Show is The Garden of Eatin’, with a focus on creatively adding more edibles to your landscape. Many of the 17 garden talks will provide tips for successfully adding fruits, vegetables, and herbs to ornamental flowerbeds and containers. Visitors can see edible landscape designs during guided tours of the UT Gardens, Jackson; learn about proper plant selection, siting and maintenance; and pick up a few new culinary concepts. Summer Celebration to Highlight Gardening with a Purpose
Meeting Highlights
The combined Eastern Area and State Meeting of the Former University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Workers Association (FUTIAWA) was held on Monday, April 14, 2016, at the UT Extension Eastern Region Office in Knoxville, Tennessee. Approximately 50 members attended.
Eastern Area Meeting
Ken Goddard, Eastern Area FUTIAWA Vice President, presided and welcomed the group to the annual meeting. Mary Beth Nehls, a 4-H member, gave the thought for the day. Justin Crowe, 4-H Extension Specialist, gave a brief overview and update of current State 4-H programs.
Dr. Tim Cross, UT Extension Dean, shared a video “A Place Like No Other.” This video was about the Lone Oaks Farm in Hardeman County which is the new 4-H camping facility. Cross said Lone Oaks Farm is an investment in the future. The facility will be available for camping, conferences, weddings, and STEM education and is a part of Tennessee’s Drive to 55 Program. The development of a Master Plan is underway for programs at Lone Oaks Farm.

State Meeting
Brenda Voiles presided at the state business meeting. Roger Thackston, who served as chairperson of the nominating committee, reported the following officers:
Eastern Area: Ken Goddard and Gene Burgess would serve another year.
Cumberland Area: Gene Medley, Vice President, and Linda Tinch, Secretary.
Central Area: Dwayne Perry and Warren Gill would serve another year.
Western Area: No names submitted.
State: John Jared, President, and Martha Jo Tolley, Secretary-Treasurer.
John Jared and Martha Jo Tolley were elected to serve as state officers beginning July 1, 2016.
Voiles mentioned that some thought had been given to changing the current name of the retirees association. Some members had suggested that UTIA Retirees might be a better name. Retirees will be asked to share their thoughts.
George Mays briefly mentioned that he needed help with the newsletter and website. Discussions have been held with the UTIA Advancement Office and Marketing and Communications Office about assisting with the newsletter and website. Hopefully, this assistance will begin immediately. Mays mentioned that the first newsletter was published in 1987 and Jim Pointer was the editor. Mr. Pointer was present and shared that he was celebrating his 95th birthday.
Voiles mentioned that FUTIAWA has a Facebook page and that anyone could post pictures on the page. She mentioned that each of the four retiree areas across the state consider having a reporter to gather news information and photos to share. She reported that a successful fall social event for retirees was held at the Crossville 4-H Camp. The Eastern area group may want to consider having a fall social event at the Greeneville 4-H Camp. It was mentioned that AG DAY was scheduled for September 24, and FUTIAWA would participate.
John Jared presented a plaque to Brenda Voiles expressing appreciation for her past two years of service as FUTIAWA President.
Central Area Meeting
The Cumberland area retirees conducted their spring meeting in Cookeville on Wednesday, May 4, 2016. This year’s meeting was in the conference room at the Wilson Bank and Trust.
A total of 39 retirees were included in the picture. A few additional guests also participated. The retirees enjoyed reminiscing about their careers and catching up on their retirement experiences. A home-cooked meal was catered by a new area restaurant, Aunt Bea’s.
Cumberland Area Vice President Carolyn Fox presided. Secretary Linda Tinch was assisted by Jackie Donaldson for arranging and setting up the meeting. Janie Pedigo, former Extension Agent in Smith County, is currently employed at Wilson Bank and Trust. Janie served as the bank’s host and participated in the meeting.
Gene Medley was elected the Cumberland Area Vice President for the new fiscal year beginning July 1. Linda Tinch will continue to serve as Cumberland Area Secretary.

Can you believe it is already June?!!!! Time sure flies when you are retired!!! I hope this finds you healthy and planning some fun summer activities. I’m looking forward to a trip to the beach in July and a trip to Italy in September.
I just recently attended two of our Spring Retiree meetings, and they were both so successful!! See pictures from both meetings.
First, on April 14, the Eastern Area/State retirees met at the UT Extension Eastern Region Office in Knoxville. We had over 50 in attendance, and I think we all enjoyed the food and fellowship. Continue reading the message from the president…
The treasurer’s report for the calendar year 2015 was presented at the State Meeting in April 2016. Total Income for 2015 was $2,189.65. Total Expenses for 2015 are $2,306.24. The year-end balance in the checking account is $2,018.20. The association’s Certificate of Deposit value on 12/31/2015 was $6,082.65. The treasurer’s report was presented by Charles Goan, Secretary-Treasurer, and the audit report was presented by Sandie Morton. The complete report with an income and expense summary is posted.
By: George Mays
FUTIAWA Communication Director
I have enjoyed then opportunity to serve as Communication Director for FUTIAWA for the past sixteen years. It has been my pleasure to serve by providing information through the association’s newsletter, web site and email listserv. But the time has come for me to step aside and someone else to coordinate the communication activities and provide the services for you to enjoy.
I want to thank each of you for your support and your contribution to the communication efforts of the association during my tenure. I also express appreciation to Chancellor Larry Arrington and Vice Chancellors Keith Barber and Lisa Stearns for providing new and stronger support for the UTIA Retirees and to President Brenda Voiles and Secretary-Treasurer Charles Goan for their help and support as I move on into the later years of my retirement.
New and exciting improvements are underway for the future of the association. I hope to have the opportunity to visit and reminisce with each of you at an upcoming UTIA event.
Information About Retirees
A reunion of Retired Central Region UT Extension Workers was held on April 5, 2016, at Herb and Pat Lester’s home to celebrate friendships. They enjoyed a meal together and released balloons of thanks to the Heavens. Participants included Herb and Pat Lester, Linda Tinch, Pat Hamilton, Mary Gilbert, and Gary Hamilton.
A retirement reception honoring Dr. Stephen Oliver will be held on June 10, 2016, 2-4 p.m., 156/157 Plant Biotech, 2505 E.J. Chapman Drive, UTIA Campus. View invitation.
Retirees are invited to a retirement reception honoring Dr. Donald D. Tyler and Debbie Joines on June 21, 2016, 2-4 p.m., 130 Brehm Animal Science Bldg., UTIA Campus. View invitation.
A retirement reception for Dr. Mike Davidson was held May 20 at Chesapeake’s Restaurant in Knoxville.
A retirement reception for Genia Southall was held April 8 at Linden Church of Christ. Genia retired from UT Extension – Perry County with more than 36 years of service.
Retirees are encouraged to send cards to Jesse Francis, retired district supervisor. Mr. Jesse Francis, Dominion Senior Living, Memory Unit, Room 130, 2412 Knob Creek Road, Johnson City, 37604
Notes from the e-mailbox
04-27-2016, FUTIAWA received a thank you note from: Kennedy Sanders, Columbia, TN
“Dear Former UT Institute of Agriculture Workers Association, thank you so much for my prize. I like 4-H a lot. I had fun with all the competitions. I’m sorry I can’t come to the 4-H Camp; I have plans this summer. I am very honored to be one of the State Winners. My principal announced that our school had not won the State in many years! Thanks for all you do!!!” Sincerely, Kennedy Sanders Culleoka Unit School Maury County
In reply to receiving the obituary for Marilee Cavender, Dr. Emmit Rawls, professor emeritus, wrote: “I was one of the early recipients of the Cavender award for a 4-H swine publication. Rich Maxey was a significant contributor with his artwork.”
In reply to receiving the obituary for Dr. Bob Linnabary, Dr. Warren Gill wrote: “A great man, but also a very good man.”
05-19-2016, FUTIAWA received a thank you note from 4-H’er Katherine Anne Thierfelder: Dear Former UT Institute of Agriculture Workers Association, I would like to sincerely thank you for sponsoring this year’s poster art contest. This is the contest that I look forward to every year. It lets me express my creativity and my love of 4-H. Many thanks to you for making this possible. Sincerely, Katherine Anne Thierfelder Jackson, TN
To: Former Institute of Ag Workers Association Thank you for supporting my 4-H group. I really enjoy being in 4-H. We do lots of fun things and learn about lots of new stuff. Thank you for recognizing all of the hard work I did on my poster with your kind donation. Joshua Jones and the staff of the Morgan County Extension Office would like to thank you for your gracious donation supporting 4-H youth development. Josh is a 4th grade 4-H member, and he worked very hard making his poster special. Thanks again, UT Extension of Morgan County and Joshua Jones
Dear Ms. Brenda Voiles, Thank you so much for your support of the State 4-H Art Poster Contest! I was really excited and surprised when I saw my poster on display. I enjoyed making my poster and would like to do it again next year. I really appreciate this prize. Thanks again! Sincerely, Bailey Steger Cookeville, TN
Dear Ms. Voiles, Please forward my sincere thanks to the Former Institute of Agriculture Workers Association for their support of the 4-H poster art contest. I really appreciate the award, this recognition it is very encouraging for me. Thanks again! Alexis Day Benton, TN
Additional Address Changes
Claudine Dixon
Faye Hochnedel
Ramona Robertson
Rose McGee
Jamie Jenkins
Former UTIA workers or retirees who have recently joined FUTIAWA as lifetime members are:
William Adams, Associate Professor, Small Animal Clinic, UTCVM
Ricky Skillington, Extension Agent III and County Director, Marshall County, UT Extension
Dolores Taylor, Extension Program Assistant II, Fentress County, UT Extension
William Gogar, Building Service Aide II, Veterinary Hospital, UTCVM
Earl Watson, Building Service Assistant II, Veterinary Hospital, UTCVM
Judith Willard, Senior Laboratory Technologist I, BDS, UTCVM
The UT Human Resources Office reports the following persons retired or departed recently from UTIA.
- William Adams, Associate Professor, Small Animal Clinic, UTCVM
- Ricky Skillington, Extension Agent III and County Director, Marshall County
- Dolores Taylor, Extension Program Assistant II, Fentress County, UT Extension
- William Gogar, Building Service Aide II, Veterinary Hospital, UTCVM
- Earl Watson, Building Service Assistant II, Veterinary Hospital, UTCVM
- Judith Willard, Senior Laboratory Technologist I, BDS, UTCVM
- David Bussell, Extension Agent III, Overton County, UT Extension
- Susan Fiscor, Safety Officer, Publics & Services, UT Extension
- Heather Inman, Communications Specialist I, Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, UT Extension
- Adam Thoms, Research Leader I, Plant Sciences, AgResearch
- Joshua Walker, Clinical Supervisor II, Small Animal Clinical Science, UTCVM
Name links to obituary.
Dr. Robert Dean Linnabary, associate professor emeritus, College of Veterinary Medicine, passed away Wednesday, May 4, 2016, at age 81. Dr. Linnabary retired from UTIA in 2000 after 25 years teaching at CVM. He later worked as staff epidemiologist with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture and consulted with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Memorial service was held May 10 at Grace Lutheran Church, Knoxville. Interment at Otterbein Cemetery, Westerville, OH.

Mrs. Marilee Cavender, who worked as a county home economist with UT Extension in her early career, passed away peacefully on Wednesday May 4, 2016, at the age of 94. She was the widow of G.W. F. “Dutch” Cavender, former Director of Communications for UTIA. Marilee continued as an active FUTIAWA member following the death of her husband. Their endowment provides an award annually at the UTIA awards and promotions luncheon. A graveside service to honor her life was held on Saturday, May 7, at the Berry Highland Memorial Park Cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Ruth Hudson, former secretary in CASNR and Extension Agricultural Education working for Dr. Bob Dotson, died Monday, May 2, 2016, at age 92. A graveside service to honor her life was held on Saturday, May 7, at 12:30 p.m. in the Berry Highland Memorial Park Cemetery, and was preceded by visitation at the Berry Highland Memorial Mortuary on Kingston Pike from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., on Saturday, May 7. At the age of 67, Mary obtained her life-long dream of acquiring a college degree; and on December 15, 1990, she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Social Services from the University of Tennessee.
Mr. Troy Lynne Justice, retired farm service worker at the AgResearch Center at Greeneville, passed away Friday, April 15, 2016, at Laughlin Memorial Hospital, Greeneville. Services were conducted Monday, April 18, at Jeffers Funeral Service, Greeneville. A graveside service followed on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at Hardins Chapel Cemetery, Greeneville. Both Troy Justice and his father Luke Justice, were employed many years at the AgResearch Center.
Mr. Paul E. Carr, who retired as Extension Leader in Franklin County in 1992 with 32 years of service at UTIA, passed away Wednesday, April 13, 2016, at age 83. Paul had been living in Sevierville prior to his death there. A graveside service was conducted April 16 at Mattox Cemetery, Severville.
Mr. Lyle Donaldson, retired Extension Leader in Pickett County, passed away on March 18, 2016 during surgery. Visitation was on Sunday, March 20 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., at First Christian Church in Byrdstown, TN. Cards can be sent to his wife, Lerion Donaldson at 306 Lacy Street, Byrdstown, TN 38549. He is also the brother-in-law of UTIA Retiree Jackie Donaldson. Jackie retired in 2001 as Extension Director in Putnam County.
We express sincere comfort and/or speedy healing to the following UTIA employees or retirees:
Camille Jesse, retired Extension Agent, Carter County, Elizabathton, and Catherine Millsaps, retired Extension Agent, Monroe and Moore Counties, in the death of their father, James Ernest Jesse, on May 14, 2016.
Sympathy is expressed to Marcus McLemore, retired County Director in Hardin County, in the death of his wife, Jenny Lynne McLemore. Marcus retired in 2009 with 36 years of service at UTIA.
Sympathy is expressed to Mark Beeler, retired Extension Agent, Trousdale County and other members of the Beeler family and friends in the death of Mark’s father, Houston Y. Beeler, retired Extension Agent, Williamson County.
The Commencement Convocation and Hooding Ceremony for the UT College of Veterinary Medicine’s Class of 2016 was held Saturday, May 7, 2016. Dr. Charles Halford was recognized as Distinguished Alumni during the ceremony. Representatives from Tennessee Farm Bureau and Tennessee Veterinary Medical Association joined the Class of 2016 at their luncheon. The Class of 2016 also continued the tradition of Painting the Rock. Recent news.
Dr. Susan Kelleher, a 1995 alumna of the UT College of Veterinary Medicine, also known as “Dr. K” from the National Geographic television series “Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER,” delivered the keynote address for Alfred University’s 2016 Commencement exercises. Kelleher is a 1991 alumna of Alfred University, and received an honorary Doctor of Science, honoris causa, degree as part of the commencement exercises.
UT Animal Science alumnus Jim Herbert, Chairman and CEO of Neogen Corporation, returned to campus May 12 to deliver the commencement address to spring graduates of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR). Read more about this on the UT Institute of Agriculture site.
The CASNR Career Fair has been moved to September 28, 2016. This change is being made due to revisions in the university fall break dates.
The ninth annual Fruits of the Backyard Field Day will take place on Tuesday, June 14, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Middle Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center. Topics include berry production, unique vegetable gardening techniques, and the interactions of honeybees and agriculture. Read more about this on the UT Institute of Agriculture site.
On Saturday, June 18, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., the UT Gardens, Knoxville, will present Citizen Science in the Gardens. The event covers a variety of topics of interest to students, gardeners, families, educators and the general public.
The Tobacco, Beef and More Field Day takes place on Thursday, June 23, at the Highland Rim AgResearch and Education Center. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. at the field day assembly area off Oakland Road.
A full calendar of events, can be found on the UT Institute of Agriculture website.
New UTIA Employees
Evan Beech joined UTIA as Advancement Coordinator on April 18. He will be working with the advancement team to identify donor prospects, steward donors, and solicit major gifts. When he is not traveling, he will be located in Knoxville.
UTIA Job Position Changes

UT AgResearch has named Barry Sims as its new Associate Director. He assumed the new role May 1. Sims, who has spent the last 18 years as center director of the Highland Rim AgResearch and Education Center in Springfield, will provide leadership to the university’s system of AgResearch and Education Centers.
Sims will focus on construction and facility projects at the 10 centers, along with coordinating faculty research at these sites. Other responsibilities include the organization of field days, special events, and employee training programs.

Rob Ellis has been named as the interim center director for the Highland Rim AgResearch and Education Center in Springfield.
Ellis is currently the center director for the AgResearch and Education Center at Greeneville. He will continue in his current role and provide leadership to both centers. Ellis began the interim position on May 1.
“Rob has done an outstanding job at the Greeneville Center, and we are sure that he will provide excellent leadership during this interim period at the Highland Rim Center,” says Dean Bill Brown, UT AgResearch.
UTIA Faculty and Staff Honors and Recognition
A reception honoring UTIA employees with 25 years or more of service was held May 6, 2016. Employees recognized include:
Recognized for 25 Years of Service were: Carol J. Brandon, Debbie J. Campbell, Tracy L. Carter, J. C. Dupree Jr., Charles G. Lambrecht, Kim A. Lane, Booker T. Leigh, Joel B. Lown, April B. Martin, Tom C. Mueller, William D. Pitt Jr., Kimberly L. Smithson, Daniel C. Yoder
Recognized for 30 Years of Service were: John C. Cummins, Steve M. Glafenhein, Debbie F. Nelson, Deborah W. Shepherd, H. Tim Woods
Recognized for 35 Years of Service were: Gregory S. Blaylock, Barbara H. Campbell, Deborah A. Hampstead, Catheryn P. Hance, Karen D. Johnson, Martha W. Keel, David R. Kincer, Patty R. Meadows, Richard J. Powell, Andy J. Seals, John K. Teague Jr.
Recognized for 40 Years of Service were: Shirley A. Hartsell, Sandra J. Lane, Dave W. Lockwood
Recognized for 45 Years of Service was: F. David Kirkpatrick
Membership in the Former University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Workers’ Association (FUTIAWA) is for anyone, and everyone, who has ever worked for The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. The organization’s membership includes former employees from the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, the College of Veterinary Medicine, the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Agricultural Extension Service.
It doesn’t matter if you were one of the support staff, a teacher, research scientist, Extension educator, a farm worker, custodian, laboratory technician or an administrator. If you worked at UTIA, we welcome you to join FUTIAWA.
A major objective of FUTIAWA is to unite all former University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture workers and to provide channels for communication and friendship after employees leave the Institute. Our newsletter and web pages are communication links with the Institute and current and retired employees.
When employees retire or terminate employment at UTIA, their names are added to our mailing list to receive several issues of the newsletter and an invitation to the next district meeting scheduled in the area where they reside. During this period, retirees have the opportunity to decide whether or not they want to continue their contact with former co-workers by joining FUTIAWA. The cost is $30.00 for a lifetime membership.
The FUTIAWA newsletter is published quarterly by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and employment programs and services. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or covered veteran status.
UTIA Retirees Association
2621 Morgan Circle Drive || Knoxville, TN 37996
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