Volume 27, Number 2
June 2015 Newsletter
The combined Eastern Area and State Meeting of the Former University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Workers Association (FUTIAWA) was held on Monday April 6, 2015 at the UT Extension Eastern Region Office in West Knoxville.
Keith Barber, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement, discussed the Ag Awareness project. A program is currently underway to develop a tool kit which can be used to make Tennesseans more aware of the importance of Agriculture in Tennessee. This program is a response to the Governor’s Rural Challenge.
Dr. Richard Clark, who was recently hired to provide leadership for the newly combined 4H/ALEC Department at UTIA, was introduced to the retirees. He spoke briefly about the new department which combines the service oriented 4-H Youth Program with the academic Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications Department. Read more about Dr. Clark’s background and the new department.
Lisa Stearns, Vice Chancellor for Marketing and Communications, discussed the new color-coded logos that have been developed for each of the academic units at UTIA. The goal is to increase visual identity.
Representatives from three UTIA academic units gave progress reports highlighting accomplishments during the past year. The speakers were: Dr. Caula Beyl, Dean of CASNR; Dr. Jim Thompson, Dean of CVM; Connie Heiskell, Eastern Region Director, for Dr. Tim Cross who was unable to attend the meeting.
John Jared, Eastern Area FUTIAWA Vice President, presided. Other speakers included: Brenda Voiles, Charles Webber, Justin Crowe, Charles Goan, Sandie Morton and George Mays.
New officers for the Eastern Area are: Eastern Vice President—Ken Goddard; Eastern Secretary—Gene Burgess. Brenda Voiles was reelected to serve a second term as state president and Charles Goan was reelected to serve a second term at secretary–treasurer.
Central Area
The Central Area FUTIAWA meeting was held on April 15 in conjunction with the Middle TN Ag Club. Jim Stewart gave an update on Extension Activities and Jim Neel invited participation in building Foundation support for 4-H youth livestock programs.
Keith Barber, UTIA Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement, shared with retirees and Ag Club members information about the Ag Awareness initiative, a response to Governor Haslam’s Rural Challenge which focuses on telling the agricultural story to Tennesseans not familiar with agriculture.
DeWayne Perry was elected Central Region Vice-President and Warren Gill was elected as
Cumberland Area
The Cumberland Area FUTIAWA meeting was held in Cookeville on Tuesday, May 5 in the conference room at the American Bank and Trust.
Keith Barber, UTIA Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement, gave a presentation on the Ag Awareness Initiative. Jim Stewart, Central Regional Extension Director, presented an update on the Current Extension Programs and Activities. Roger Thackston gave the Thought for the Day. Vice President Carolyn Fox presided and coordinated the Introduction of Retirees and Guests. Each retiree spoke briefly about recent happenings in their retirement years.
Brenda Voiles and Charles Goins gave brief remarks about the association. George Mays presented the Memorial Tribute. Jim Neel discussed the Junior livestock Program.
An excellent lunch was prepared by Grade-A-Catering and served by members of the retirees group.
Western Area
The Western Area FUTIAWA meeting was held on May 12, 2015 at the Madison County Extension Auditorium in Jackson. Western Vice-President Steve Glass presided.
The thought for the day was given by Kayo Mullins. Steve Glass asked everyone present to give personal updates on their past years activities. Fourteen members and several guests were present.
Tim Smith, Extension Director, Obion County & 4-H Camp Initiative Leader, and Keith Barber, UTIA Vice Chancellor for Advancement, werfe the keynote speakers. Tim gave a power point presentation on the facilities at Lone Oaks Farm in Hardeman County, recently acquired by the University of Tennessee, as a rural conference center and future home for a new 4-H camp. Keith talked about “how do we define agriculture as it relates to awareness of agriculture.”
Door prized were provided by Madison County Master Gardeners and Lea Glass gave coffee mugs to the retirees.
by: Brenda Voiles
FUTIAWA President
Hello all. I want to thank all of you that came to the Spring FUTIAWA meetings. We had four really exceptional meetings; and if you missed attending, you missed a good time. I hope you will plan to come next time. I want to thank this year’s district officers – John Jared, Sandie Morton, Carolyn Fox, Linda Tinch, Warren Gill, Herb Lester, Steve Glass, and Paul Sutton – for all your hard work in planning and implementing these meetings.
I was fortunate to attend all of them, and enjoyed so much getting to see former co-workers and to meet many of you that I had only known through email and phone calls through the years. It was my pleasure to be with you and enjoy the interaction and fellowship, not to mention the delicious food!!!
I also want to thank Keith Barber, UTIA Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement, and his staff who attended each of our meetings, and presented the “Governor’s Rural Challenge” about telling the agriculture story to non-ag people. His presentation was so interesting and a great challenge for us as former UTIA employees; and if you did not attend and hear Keith’s presentation, I hope you will check out the Governor’s challenge and contact Keith with any
There is a toolkit coming out later this year that Keith will make available to any retiree, if they would like to present to a civic or community event. More information on this toolkit will be coming later.
One of the things I mentioned at the meeting was a new Facebook page for FUTIAWA. I have worked on updating it, and now it is a Fan Page . Please check it out, “Like” the page, and frequently post any comments you wish. There are pictures there from each of our Spring meetings. If you have pics that you took at the meetings, or any other pictures you would like to share, please add them there as well.
I’m really glad that Western and Central districts are working on their late summer or Fall social gatherings. Western may be going to the new Lone Oaks Farm 4-H Center site in Haywood County; and, from the pictures we saw at the Western meeting, that will be a spectacular place for a get-together.
Here are our FUTIAWA officers for the 2015-2016 year:
Ken Goddard – Eastern/State Vice President
Gene Burgess – Eastern/State Secretary
Carolyn Fox – Cumberland Vice President
Linda Tinch – Cumberland Secretary
Dewayne Perry – Central Vice President
Warren Gill – Central Secretary
Steve Glass – Western Vice President
TBD – Western Secretary
Brenda Voiles – State President
Charlie Goan – State Secretary/Treasurer
George Mays – State Communications Director
Congratulations and welcome to Ken Goddard, Gene Burgess, Dewayne Perry and Warren Gill for taking on new offices. I look forward to working with each of our officers during the coming year.
A special thank you to John Jared, Sandie Morton, Herb Lester, and Paul Sutton for their service as officers over the past few years. We will continue to look to you for guidance, assistance and participation in our organization.
I mentioned at the Eastern and Cumberland districts that, if there was enough interest, we would try to plan a combined Fall gathering for the two districts (possibly at Crossville). Please email me or George Mays and let us know if you would be interested in coming to a Fall event, and if you have suggestions of a good location to get together. The officers will be discussing this in the near future, and we want to know your thoughts.
Another item that the state officers will be discussing is what to call our FUTIAWA areas of the state. “Districts” is an old “Extension” term that is no longer used by UTIA. Do you have thoughts on what we should officially call our FUTIAWA areas of the state in our bylaws – Western, Central, Cumberland and Eastern/State __???? Please send me or George Mays your ideas.
Editor’s Note – I have uses the term ‘area’ rather than district or region in the items that I wrote for this edition of the newsletter. This should give you an opportunity to observe the use of this term area as a possible replacement. Several people have suggested that change.
At our Spring meetings, we were reminded through our Memorial List of those former co-workers and friends who have passed away during the past year. We honor and thank these co-workers for their service to UTIA and their friendship.
Also at our Spring meetings, we learned and were updated on many of our retiree friends who have health issues going on. Unfortunately, it is way too many!! We hope that each of those friends are improving, gaining strength and getting back to good health again. Let us know how you are doing by sending a note or email to George Mays, and George will keep us informed. We always want to know if you need prayer, encouragement and good wishes. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to continue our relationships with our former co-workers, and to support and uphold one another in this retirement journey.
Please join me in welcoming five new members to FUTIAWA – Ray Burden, Jim Neel, Melitta Stout, Ronald Wyatt and Steve Burgess. Congratulations to each of you!!! We are so happy you joined our organization. I want to say a special thank you to George Mays and Charlie Goan for serving as state officers with me over the past year. I have enjoyed working with you and look forward to another year!!
If you are receiving this newsletter for the first time complimentary as a new retiree, please take the time to join our organization so you can receive all the frequent email updates George Mays send outs. He does a wonderful job of keeping us all informed of the happenings at UTIA and with all our retired co-workers.
I wish for each of you a happy and healthy summer, and hope you get to go out and enjoy some fun summer activities with family and friends. Send George a note or email about what you are doing this summer, and he will post in the next newsletter!!
Thanks to all of you for being a member of FUTIAWA, and please let us know how we can serve you better.
All the best,
Brenda Voiles
FUTIAWA State President
“In Retirement, I’m busy, but not in a hurry!”— Alpha Worrell
Information About Retirees
Dr. Steve Oliver, assistant dean, UT AgResearch, plans to retire at the end of December, 2015.
Dr. Al Legendre has retired from UTIA with 39 years of service in the College of Veterinary Medicine. A retirement reception was held on May 8, 2015 in Hollingsworth Auditorium.
Herb Lester, retired Central Regional Extension Director, is currently recovering at home following hospitalization at Midtown Saint Thomas Hospital for almost three weeks earlier this year. Herb followed the hospitalization with at period of recovery and therapy at Adams Place in Murfreesboro. While hospitalized he had back surgery and was also diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. He is currently under the care of an
oncology doctor and is hoping to start additional treatments soon. You may want to send a card to Herb and his wife, Pat, for encouragement during this difficult time.
A. C. Clark, retired Cumberland Extension District Supervisor, will be celebrating his 93 birthday in June. He was recognized and spoke at the Cumberland Spring Meeting.
We learned at the Cumberland Spring Meeting that several old friends and coworkers who usually attend that meeting are recovering from illness and other issues that kept them from coming to the meeting and enjoying lunch with their former coworkers:
Dale Beaty had a routine doctor appointment.
Demps Breeding had prostate surgery on May 6 and at last report is recovering and ‘doing good’.
Dr. David Hunter lives in Gallatin and would have attended, but his son was coming to visit. He told me he has been diagnosed with Parkinson Disease and it has affected his speech. We will miss his humorous talks.
Jack McDaniel had by-pass surgery and a stint in January.
Gene Medley had his last cancer treatment on the day of our retiree meeting.
Bob Mehlhorn’s cancer is back and he started treatments on May 5. Bob reported that he will have to take 39 radiation treatments, but his doctor assured him this would take care of problem.
At last report, Ron Rogers is still in the nursing home in Smithville.
Thanks to Linda Tinch for keeping in touch with the retirees in the Cumberland area and reporting for the newsletter.
Thank you so much for sponsoring the 4-H Poster Contest. I truly appreciate your support. This is my favorite contest. Again, thank you for your support. Parker Bain, Crockett County 4-H member.
Dear Mrs. Voiles,
Thank you so much for your support of the State 4-H Poster Art Contest. I have been making 4-H posters to enter in the contest since 2nd grade. This was the first time I have ever won at the state level. I am very grateful and thrilled to receive this award. Thank you again for your kindness and sponsorship.
Sincerely, Hannah E. Steger, Cookeville, TN.
Thank you so much for sponsoring the 2015 4-H Poster Contest. I really appreciate your support. I enjoy doing this contest! Thank you for your Support! Reagan Bain, Crockett County.
Dear Ms. Brenda Voiles, My name is Emma Jenkins and I would like to thank you for your sponsorship. I was awarded a $25 check in honor of FUTIAWA for winning the Essay Contest for the Eastern Region at the 2015 Tennessee 4-H Congress. I appreciate your support. Thank you, Emma Jenkins, Maynardville, TN.
Former UTIA workers or retirees who have recently joined FUTIAWA as lifetime members are:
Ray Burden, Retired as Extension Specialist and Associate Director, worked as Extension County Director, Hamilton County and Center for Agriculture and Food Science, retired in 2015.
Steven Burgess, Retired as Extension Director, Carroll County
Dr. Jim Neel, Professor Emeritus
Melitta Stoutt, Retired in 2015 as Administrative Support Assistant II, Agriculture Economics and Resource Development Department
Ronald L. Wyatt, Retired as Research Associate, AgReseach, Ames Plantation
Name links to obituary.
Mrs. Ruth DeFriese passed away Monday, March 16, 2015, at age 103. Ruth was a member of FUTIAWA. She
worked as a home economics (home demonstration) agent prior to her marriage to Frank DeFriese, a former
agricultural economist at UTIA. Frank retired in 1973 and passed away in February 2009, at age 95.
Visitation on Thursday, March 19 at Church Street United Methodist Church, Knoxville. Funeral services on
Friday, March 20, 1:30 p.m. at Church Street United Methodist Church, Knoxville. The family also received
friends following the service. Cards may be sent to Eugenia and Jim Bond, 900 Bond Circle, Morristown, TN 37814.

Anna Katherine ‘A.K.’ (Goddard) Anderton, of Winchester, died March 14, 2015. She served as extension agent in Putman and Franklin Counties during the 1940’s. She resigned upon her marriage to Ben S. Anderton in 1947. A native of Salisbury in Hardeman County, Anna Katherine graduated from Grand Junction High School and Lamburth College. She was active in many local and area organization and in her spare time played golf and bridge. She is survived by a son, a daughter, a grandson and several other relatives. Her funeral was March 17, 2015 with burial in Winchester City Cemetery.
William Harold Julian, former Union County Extension Agent, passed away on Tuesday, March 17, 2015, in McMinnville. Mr. Julian was a World War II veteran, serving as a Quarter Master Private First Class, in the U.S. Army. Harold graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1941 with a B.S. in agriculture. He worked as the UT Union County Extension Agent from 1949-1975. The family received friends on Saturday, March 21, 2015, at Rose Mortuary Broadway Chapel. A funeral service will followed the visitation. Interment in Lynnhurst Cemetery.
Beryl H. Bundy, passed away Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at Signature Healthcare of Rogersville, following an extended illness. Mrs. Bundy retired as secretary for the UT Extension Service after 36 years of service. Beryl is the wife of Tom Bundy, retired Extension Director in Hawkins Country. Mrs. Bundy’s funeral was held Saturday, May 23, 2015 at First United Methodist Church, Rogersville. The family received friends prior to the service. Interment on Sunday, May 24 at Highland Cemetery in Rogersville.
We express sincere comfort and/or speedy healing to the following UTIA employees or retirees:
Betty Jane Bell, widow of Dr. Carl Bell, former professor, Animal Science Department, passed away Sunday. They were active in FUTIAWA several years ago. M Carl Bell died February 12, 2004. Betty Jane Triplett Bell, age 86, of Knoxville, died Saturday night, March 21, 2015. A complete obituary will be in Thursday’s and Friday’s News Sentinel. A service of celebration of life will be held at Church Street United Methodist, on Saturday at 2:00 p.m., after which the family will receive friends in the chapel. The interment will be earlier that Saturday morning, at 11:30 a.m., at Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrangements by Rose Mortuary, Mann Heritage Chapel.
Bill and Marilyn Adcock whose youngest son, Jesse, passed away at his home on Friday, March 27, 2015. Bill retired as Extension Agent in White County. Arrangements are handled by Thurman Funeral Home in Sparta and condolences can be made on the website. Please keep this family in your prayers.
UTIA Retiree Mary Ann Haubenrich and the Haubenreich family in the death of Mary Ann’s husband, Paul, on April 5. Details follow in obituary. Mary Ann retired as a State Specialist in Extension Family and Consumer Science.
The family of Haley Jamison, deceased Extension beef specialist and section leader, in the death of his widow, Chris Jamison on December 29, 2014, at age 83. She is survived by her son Jamie, granddaughter Haley Jamison Bradshaw, a brother Glenn and a sister Rene. A celebration of life service for Christine “Chris” Jamison was held Saturday May 9, 2015 at Friendsville United Methodist Church.
Dr. Gary Bates, professor and director, UTIA Plant Sciences Department, in the death of his twin sister, (Bates) May who passed away on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 in Baton Rouge. Read Obituary

UTIA Retirees Association
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