We express sincere comfort and/or speedy healing to the following UTIA employees or retirees:
Sympathy is expressed to Lynne Knight in the death of her mother, Barbara Jean Hill McAlister, 82, of Franklin, who passed away on Thursday, January 3, 2019. A celebration of life for Ms. Barbara McAlister was held Saturday, January 12, at the Oak Valley Baptist Church in Franklin, Tennessee. The full obituary is available online.
Sympathy is expressed to former UT Extension Monroe County agent Bob Sliger in the death of his wife, Faye, who passed away Friday, February 1. A receiving of friends was held at Kyker’s Funeral Home in Sweetwater, on Monday, February 4, with the service following. The full obituary is available online.
Sympathy is expressed to Rose McGee, former principal secretary in the District III Extension Office, in the death of her husband, Larry, who passed away on December 16, 2018, after a short battle with cancer. He was 83 years old, and Larry and Rose enjoyed 51-plus years of a very happy marriage. The full obituary is available oneline.
Sympathy is expressed to Francis Houser in the death of her husband, Bruce Houser, who passed away February 23, 2019. The family received friends on Wednesday, February 27, 2019, at Bridges Funeral Home with a service following. Francis worked for UTIA as administrative assistant in the Extension Service Dean’s office and in other administrative offices at UT.