The Eastern area and state meeting of the UTIA Retirees Association was held on Thursday April 13, 2017, at the Eastern Region Extension Office in Knoxville, Tennessee. Registration and refreshments began at 9:30 AM.
Eastern Area Meeting
Ken Goddard, Eastern area vice president, called the meeting to order at 9:50 AM and welcomed the group. There were approximately 50 members in attendance. Ken acknowledged the Eastern Region staff for allowing us to use the facility and set up for the event.
Goddard introduced Aaron Lay, a junior representative on the State 4-H Council to give the thought-for-the-day. Aaron shared some of his experience showing livestock in 4-H. He indicated that he had learned responsibility, confidence and integrity through his 4-H participation. He learned that awards are earned at home and only picked up at shows. He thanked the group for their support of 4-H activities.
Goddard then introduced Justin Crowe, Extension 4-H specialist, who gave a brief overview of current 4-H programs. He displayed the top 10 posters from the 4-H Poster Art Contest. UTIA Retirees Association is the sponsor of the contest. Justin reported that these were the best of the tens of thousands posters that had been created across the state. He said that in addition to developing artistic skills the 4-H’ers are learning life skills as they participate in this activity. He indicated that over 180,000 youth are enrolled in the Tennessee 4-H program which is school based and has the largest club enrollment in the nation. He also reported on 4-H camping programs, service projects and partnerships. The 4-H history exhibit at Ellington Agricultural Center is now a permanent exhibit.
Goddard introduced Betsy Creekmore, president of the UT Retirees Council. She reported that the UT Retiree Organization is now attached to the Alumni Association. There are no dues so all retirees are members. The organization is now trying to identify members. They are planning several events in connection with Knoxville Tours and she encouraged UTIA retirees to participate. Retirees are also eligible to participate in life-long learning opportunities that the Alumni Association provides. At the end of her presentation, Goddard also called attention to a table that had handouts of retiree benefit information from the University.
Vice President Goddard then introduced Dr. Tim Cross, chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture. Dr. Cross indicated that he was honored to serve in the role of chancellor. He spoke of the Institute’s support of the UTIA Retirees Association as shown by the presence of deans and the office of communications. He thanked Lisa Sterns for the communications staff support of the newsletter and indicated that the UTIA Retirees newsletter had the highest open rate of any newsletter on campus.
Goddard then introduced Mike Buschermohle, professor and Extension specialist, Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science, for the program. Buschermohle spoke on the topic, “We No Longer Farm Like my Granddad Did.” His entertaining and informative presentation focused on how new technologies and more efficient methods of agricultural production have increased yields, reduced time commitments and changed the way farmers do business.
State Meeting
After a brief morning break, State President John Jared called the state business meeting to order. After introductions, Jared introduced Secretary/Treasurer Martha Jo Tolley. Martha Jo called attention to the minutes in the registration packet as prepared by last year’s secretary, Charlie Goan. She made a motion that the minutes be approved as written. A second was made by Buddy Sanders, and the minutes were approved by vote of the membership. Tolley then presented the treasurer’s report showing a checking account balance of $2,018.20 and a certificate of deposit balance of $6128.55 as of December 31, 2016. She reported that Sandie Morton (who could not attend) had audited the books and found that everything was in order. Elmer Ashburn moved to accept the financial report as presented. Second was made by Buddy Sanders and approved by the membership.
President Jared then introduced Brenda Voiles, nominating committee chair for the nominating committee report. Brenda thanked the members of the nominating committee and reported that the committee nominated John Jared to serve a second term as president and Martha Jo Tolley to serve a second term as secretary/treasurer. After the opportunity for motions from the floor, Elmer Ashburn moved that John Jared be elected as president. Jim Neal seconded the motion. Motion approved by membership
Elmer Ashburn moved that Martha Jo Tolley be elected as secretary/treasurer. Second was made by Brenda Voiles. Motion approved by membership.
Voiles then reported that Steve Sutton had been nominated as Eastern area vice president and George Grandle as Eastern area secretary/treasurer. Jim Neel moved that Steve Sutton be elected. Second by Buddy Sanders. Motion approved. Elmer Ashburn moved that George Grandle be elected. Second by Jim Neel. Motion approved.
Voiles also reported that the Central area officers would be Pat Whitaker, vice president and Warren Gill, secretary/treasurer. Cumberland area officers will be Gene Medley, vice president and Linda Tinch, secretary/treasurer. Western area has not chosen new officers.
President Jared shared some activities of the association including interacting with UT retirees and the newsletter being produced on campus with help from the UTIA Communications staff. He acknowledged the assistance of Lisa Sterns and Keith Barber with the process.
The proposed constitution and bylaws changes were then presented by Jared. He explained that most changes related to a name change of the organization from FUTIAWA to UTIA Retirees Association, to Extension reorganization changes that affect the organization and to including duties of officers that had been previously approved but not clarified in the bylaws. Elmer Ashburn moved to approve the constitution and bylaws changes as outlined in the handout included in the registration packet. Second by Charlie Goan. Approved by membership.
Jared updated the membership on director teleconferences designed to improve communication, the new display that was at the meeting and Ag Day that is scheduled for September 30, 2017. He suggested that fall social events have been a positive addition for the organization and that one was under discussion for this fall.
President Jared introduced Keith Barber from the Office of Institutional Advancement. Keith reported a record breaking year in the advancement office and thanked retirees for continued support. He discussed ideas for a memorial for A.C. Clark, perhaps at 4-H camp.
Jared then introduced Buddy Sanders who presented a touching memorial to the 31 members of the association who have passed away since last year’s meeting.
Appreciation was expressed to Carlene Welch and Danny Bullington and the Knox County volunteers for catering the lunch. The meeting was adjourned. Harry Byran gave the invocation and lunch was served.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Jo Tolley
State Secretary/Treasurer