Volume 27, Number 4
December 2015 Newsletter

by: Brenda Voiles
FUTIAWA President
Hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving, and are looking forward to the Christmas season and the coziness of winter.
We had a delicious Thanksgiving lunch at my mom’s house – she loves to cook, and I especially enjoy her dressing, pumpkin pie, and sweet potato casserole. Those are things I don’t make very often (if ever); so it’s a special treat when I get to enjoy them.
What are your favorite holiday dishes? I’m sure many of you have some delicious recipes, and if you would like to share, send them to George Mays and he can share them with all of us. Might find something new to try for the upcoming holiday meals!!
I just finished watching the Tennessee Volunteers football team achieve a ‘blowout’ win against Vanderbilt tonight, with a score of 53-28, closing the season with a 8-4 overall record. This is a first since 2007….very exciting for all Vol football fans. Will be exciting to see what the bowl season brings this year.
However, for you basketball fans, I noticed that Tennessee lost to Nebraska today 82-71 at the Brooklyn Barclays Center in New York; but there is a lot of basketball to go, so hopefully things will get better in that arena.
Three Fall Retiree get-togethers were held this year – Western Area enjoyed getting together at the new Lone Oaks 4-H Center in July; Central Area members enjoyed lunch at Cherry Lane Darken’s home on September 29; and I was privileged to join about 40 other Eastern/Cumberland Area retirees for a fun and relaxing day at the Crossville 4-H Center in October.
I had never been to the Crossville Center before, so it was very interesting for me to see it after hearing about it for so many years. Many others had not been there in a while and noticed the many improvements that have been made.
We toured the facilities and had a wonderful lunch with more food than anyone should eat – but every bite was delicious!!!! It was the most beautiful sunny, Fall day on the Plateau. Thanks to Scottie Fillers for hosting us and thanks to Linda Tinch for contacting so many folks and getting the really good turnout that we had. There are pictures posted on the FUTIAWA Facebook page.
Also, if you took pictures at either of these get-togethers, please share them with George.
FUTIAWA hosted a table at Ag Day on October 3. Ag Day was held in the Brehm Animal Science Arena just before the Arkansas football game. It was a rainy day, but we had quite a few retirees and friends that stopped by our table (see pictures on the FUTIAWA website and Facebook page). It was good to visit with those folks and see all the festivities and other exhibits that were on display.
President DiPietro stopped by, and it was so good to see him. He was a wearing a ‘very sharp’ outfit!! Thanks to Charlie Goan, George Mays, John Jared, Linda Tinch, and Gene Burgess for helping to man our table. If you have not been to an Ag Day before, you should try to make the next one. It is usually held on the first Saturday in October.
For all Knoxville retirees, the UT Alumni is organizing a new University of Tennessee Retirees’ Council. All Knoxville retirees will automatically be members. Charlie Goan and I attended the first meeting in November where we heard Chancellor Jimmy Cheek update the group on UT’s journey to become a Top 25 public research institution.
As a part of that goal, UT is implementing the UT Retirees’ Council (UTRC), an entity that recognizes and involves individuals who have retired from UT service. A website for the Council is being developed, and hopefully, we will learn more as this new Council evolves.
Soon after the first of the year, the FUTIAWA officers will begin planning our Spring meetings. Do you have ideas about topics, locations or anything else pertaining to our meetings? If so, please send them to me or one of the other officers. We would sure like to know if you have suggestions.
I want to say ‘welcome’ to our new members – Alice Darnell, Daryl Ray, DeWayne Perry, Thomas Morgan Jr., and Genia Southall. We are so happy that you decided to join us. Please plan to attend our Spring 2016 meetings. We are delighted that DeWayne agreed to be the Vice President of our Central Area group. If you know of new retirees, please encourage them to join our FUTIAWA group.
I hope all of you have a happy, safe, and blessed holiday season. And I will look forward to seeing you in the new year.
All the best,
Brenda Voiles
FUTIAWA State President
I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work. So I do it three or four times a day.” ~Gene Perret

More than 40 people attended the Fall Get Together for Eastern, Cumberland, Chattanooga Area Retirees on Tuesday, October 13 at the Clyde York 4-H Center, Crossville. I think everyone will agree it was a good time with some delicious food and a beautiful fall day. Three were lots of opportunities for visiting and telling stories about past work experiences. Touring the camp facilities was rewarding for many. We were surprised with numerous building renovations and improvements. The campus looked great with fall decorations and beautiful flowers everywhere. The staff was very courteous and made a special effort to create an atmosphere that made the day outstanding for all who attended.

The Central Area UTIA Retirees held having their fall lunch meeting on Tuesday, September 29th at Cherry Lane Darken’s home in the at Leiper’s Fork community, near Franklin. This was a pot luck get together for food and fellowship…not a business meeting.
UTIA Retirees Association
2621 Morgan Circle Drive || Knoxville, TN 37996
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