Article I — Name
Section 1 — The name of this organization shall be UTIA Retirees Association.
Article II — Purposes
Section 1 — The purposes of this association are:
- To unite all former Institute of Agriculture workers.
- To serve as a communication liaison between the former employees and the present Institute of Agriculture administration and its employees.
- To keep all former employees informed of policy and retirement benefit changes.
- To solicit all former Institute workers support for the Institute programs.
- To provide social contact with former co-workers.
Article III — Divisions
Section l — The association will be divided into four geographic areas of the state. The areas shall be Western, Central, Cumberland and Eastern. Retirees may choose the area for their membership and may affiliate with more than one area if they so choose.
Article IV — Membership
Section 1 — Membership in the UTIA Retirees Association shall be open to all former workers of the UT Extension, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, UT AgResearch, and College of Veterinary Medicine, or a combination of those units.
Article V — Meetings
Section 1 — There shall be at least one meeting annually in each area.
Section 2 — A state meeting for the entire membership may be held separately from the area meetings at a convenient, mid-state location if recommended by the state president and approved by the Board of Directors. Each year that the state president chooses not to hold a separate state meeting, an annual state business meeting will be held in conjunction with the Eastern Area Meeting. The state officers will be elected at the annual state business meeting. Area officers will be elected at the four area meetings.
Section 3 — Area meeting places, dates, and times will be set by each of the vice presidents. The state president shall assist the officers in planning the area meetings and securing speakers and other program resources.
Section 4 — Special meetings of the association officers or the membership, for any purpose or purposes, may be called by the president whenever it shall be deemed expedient, or when requested in writing by three board members, or by at least 20 current members of the association.
Article VI — Officers
Section 1 — The elected officers of the UTIA Retirees Association shall consist of:
A. State President
B. State Secretary-Treasurer
C. Vice President for each area
D. Secretary-Treasurer for each area
Article VII — Directors
Section 1 — The Board of Directors shall consist of the state president, state secretary-treasurer, immediate past state president, state communication director and each area vice president.
Section 2 — The Board of Directors shall meet when necessary to conduct the business of the association.
Article VIII — Constitution Amendments
Section 1 — This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at any annual state meeting, provided that the membership is notified of the proposed amendments in writing at least 30 days prior to the date of such a meeting.
Article IX — Rules of Operation
Section 1 — Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this association in all cases where they apply and are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the association.
Article I — Membership
Section 1 — Any person who has worked for UT Extension, UT AgResearch, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, or College of Veterinary Medicine is eligible for lifetime membership in the UTIA Retirees Association upon payment of dues.
Section 2 — The membership dues will be determined by the Board of Directors.
Article II — Duties of Officers
Section 1 — President — The president shall preside at all business meetings of the association and board, and may call meetings of the board whenever necessary. The president shall appoint standing committees and such other committees as he/she may deem necessary. The president will serve as chair of the Board of Directors and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees.
Section 2 — State Secretary-Treasurer — The state secretary-treasurer shall keep minutes of all meetings and shall render a report of the association’s activities at each annual meeting. The secretary-treasurer shall receive and record memberships, receive all monies of the association, and shall pay expenses approved by the president. Any expenditure of monies, other than normal operating expenses, will be made only with the approval of the board or the membership in session at annual meetings. The secretary-treasurer shall keep necessary records to make an audit in advance of each annual meeting. The secretary-treasurer shall be a member ex-officio of all committees.
Section 3 — Area Vice President — The Vice President in each area shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors. He/She shall plan and conduct an annual meeting in the area, shall preside at all area meetings, shall provide leadership to support and promote the association and shall encourage reporting of timely area news to the newsletter editor. The Vice President shall appoint a nominating committee to report at the area meeting, appoint other committees as necessary and utilize all available methods to encourage retirees living in the area to join the association.
Section 4 — Area Secretary-Treasurer — The area secretary-treasurer shall work with the vice-president to conduct an annual area meeting and shall receive registrations and monies associated with the meetings. He/She shall be responsible for payment of expenses approved by the vice president. The secretary-treasurer shall assist the newsletter editor by contributing news, updates, reports of area meetings and other information and contributing or arranging for other member to contribute newsletter articles. He/She shall support and promote the association.
Section 5 — Board of Directors — The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of the association between meetings. A majority of board members shall be considered a quorum. The Board of Directors shall meet annually at the state meeting, or upon the call of the president, or by any three members of the board, or by at least 20 current members of the association.
Article III — Election and Appointments
Section l — The state president and state secretary-treasurer shall be elected at each annual meeting to serve a one-year term. The officers of the association shall hold office until qualified successors are chosen.
Section 2 — An area vice president and secretary-treasurer shall be elected at the four annual area meetings to serve a one year term.
Section 3 — No elected officer shall be elected for more than two consecutive terms.
Section 4 — A communication director shall be appointed by the board of directors to serve as a member of the board of directors and to maintain records and communication efforts of the organization.
Section 5 — Officer terms shall extend from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
Article IV — Removal of Board Members
Section 1 — Any director may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the members of the association present at a meeting.
Section 2 — No board member or officer of the association shall receive a salary, profit or other form of compensation for their services, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred on behalf of or for the benefit of the association, having first been authorized by the board.
Article V — Nominating Committee
Section 1 — Annually, a nominating committee shall be appointed by the state president, and at the annual meeting the nominating committee shall present a nominee for president and a nominee for secretary-treasurer. The chair of the area nominating committee shall communicate with area nominating committee to complete the slate of officers.
Section 2 — A nominating committee shall be appointed by each area vice president to present a nominee for vice president and secretary-treasurer for the area. Chair of the nominating committee shall communicate with the chair of the state nominating committee to complete the slate of officers.
Article VI — Quorum
Section 1 — A quorum at the annual meeting shall be 25 members and must include at least two officers. The meeting must be publicly announced and all members duly notified of the time and place of the planned meeting at least 30 days prior to the meeting date.
Article VII — Meeting and Dues
Section 1 — The place and time for the annual state business meeting shall be the same as the Eastern Area Meeting if a separate state meeting is not held.
Section 2 — Dues of the association are payable upon joining the association.
Article VIII — Bylaw Amendments
Section 1 — These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any annual meeting, provided the membership is notified of the proposed amendment in writing at least 30 days prior to the date of the annual meeting.
Article IX — Association Termination
Section 1 — In the event that the UTIA Retirees Association ceases to function as an organization for any reason, all assets of the association will be donated to the Tennessee 4-H Foundation, Inc.
Revised May 2017