The Eastern Area and state meeting of the UTIA Retirees Association was held on Thursday, April 19, 2018, at the Eastern Region office in Knoxville, Tennessee. Registration and refreshments began at 9:30 AM.
Eastern Area Meeting
Steve Sutton, Eastern area vice president, called the meeting to order at 9:50 AM. He welcomed the approximately 50 members and guests in attendance and shared some of his retirement insights. Sutton introduced Danny Lawson, senior representative on the State 4-H Council. Lawson shared a thought-for-the-day and thanked the association for sponsorship of the State 4-H Poster Art and the Tennessee 4-H Congress Essay contests.
Vice President Sutton introduced Dr. Tim Cross, Chancellor for the UT Institute of Agriculture. Dr. Cross recognized the administrative team and shared updates about the possible renaming of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, the Institute’s strategic plan, and progress on remodeling/rebuilding facilities and budgets. He reported that 3,950 people were present on the Ag Campus each day.
Sutton introduced Justin Crowe, Extension specialist, 4-H Youth Development. Crowe thanked the association members for their sponsorship and called attention to the display of wining posters. He shared stories of his 4-H experiences and how UTIA programs had made an impact on his life. He emphasized he had learned how to communicate, why service to others is important, how to show compassion and how to be an effective servant leader. Justin thanked members of the association for the impact they have had on his life and continue to have on the youth of Tennessee.
Sutton adjourned the meeting for a brief break before the state meeting.
State Meeting
After the break, State President John Jared, called the state meeting to order. He recognized administrative guests, Lisa Stearns, Carla Beryl, Jim Thompspn, Fred Tompkins and Evan Beach and thanked them for being at the meeting and supporting the organization.
Jared introduced Secretary/Treasurer Martha Jo Tolley who presented the minutes of the previous meeting as included in the registration packet. A motion was made by Charles Goan to accept the minutes as presented. A second was made by Bob Burney, and the minutes were approved by a vote of the membership. Tolley then presented the treasurer’s report that showed a checking account balance of $1,897.07 and a certificate of deposit balance of $6,174.67 as of December 31, 2017. Tolley introduced Sandie Morton who conducted the audit of the accounts. Morton reported that the accounts were in order. A motion was made by Andy Seals to approve the report. The second was made by Elmer Ashburn, and the membership voted to approve the report. Tolley also reported that as a result of the organization name change, work was in progress to revise IRS paperwork for the taxpayer identification number.
President Jared introduced Brenda Voiles, nominating committee chair for the committee report. Brenda thanked members of the committee and reported that nominees for the area officers were
- Western Area—John Bradley, vice president and Mary Kate Ridgeway, secretary
- Central Area—Pat Whitaker, vice president (2nd term) and Warren Gill, secretary (2nd term)
- Cumberland Area—Phyllis Boyce, vice president and Pat Grimes, secretary
- Eastern Area—Steve Sutton, vice president (2nd term) and George Grandle, secretary (2nd term)
She reported that the nominees for the state officers who would be responsible for scheduling meetings, opening, closing and managing accounts and representing the organization are Ruth Henderson McQueen, president and Sandie Morton, secretary/treasurer. President Jared asked for nominations from the floor for Eastern area vice president. Hugh Savoy moved to close the nominations and elect Steve Sutton by acclamation. The motion was approved by vote of the membership. Jared ask for nominations from the floor for secretary. There being none, Jim Bond moved to elect George Grandle. Motion approved by the membership. President Jared asked for nominations from the floor for president. Buddy Sanders made a motion to elect the nominee, Ruth Henderson McQueen. Motion approved by the membership. Jared ask for nominations for secretary/treasurer. Fred Allan moved to elect the nominee, Sandie Morton. Motion was approved by the membership.
Jared congratulated the new officers and indicated that they would take office on July 1. He also reported on the area meetings and activities of the association including the newsletter and Ag Day participation. He reported that next year will be the 50th anniversary of the association and suggested that we begin to plan a celebration to commemorate our history.
Jared introduced David Yates, conference co-chair for the NACAA national meeting to be held in Chattanooga, Tennessee. David gave a brief overview of the conference and invited members to volunteer and/or attend the conference.
President Jared introduced Dr. Joe DePietro, president of the University of Tennessee. Dr. DePietro shared information on how the university focuses on “Education, Discovery and Connection.” He also reacted to questions from the membership regarding the Board of Trustee changes and faculty reviews.
Steve Sutton presented plaques to outgoing President John Jared and Secretary/Treasurer Martha Jo Tolley in appreciation for their service to the organization. Appreciation was expressed to the Knox County 4-H staff and volunteers for catering the lunch. The meeting was adjourned and following the invocation all participants enjoyed a delicious barbecue chicken lunch. Group photos concluded the event.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Jo Tolley