We express sincere comfort and/or speedy healing to the following UTIA employees or retirees:
Sympathy is expressed to Warren Gill, professor emeritus in the Department of Animal Science, in the passing of his wife, Melissa. A full obituary is available online.
Sympathy is express to A. Scott Swoape, county director of UT Extension White County, in the passing of his grandfather, Thomas E. Swoape. An obituary is available online.
Sympathy is expressed to the Melton Family in the passing of Mary McDonald Jackson, mother of Robbie Melton, former Extension agent in Overton County, and grandmother of Rebekah Melton, Extension agent in Jackson County.
Sympathy is expressed to Kelli Roberson, Extension director in Cumberland County, in the passing of her mother, Fran Roberson. An obituary is available online.
Sympathy is expressed to UT Extension Dean Robert Burns in the passing of his mother, Nora Kay Burns. A full obituary is available online.