We express sincere comfort and/or speedy healing to the following UTIA employees or retirees:
In Sympathy (December 2015)
December 2015 Newsletter

Volume 27, Number 4 December 2015 Newsletter MESSAGE from the PRESIDENT by: Brenda VoilesFUTIAWA President Greetings, Hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving, and are looking forward to the Christmas…
New Members (2015)
Former UTIA workers and retirees who have recently joined the UTIA Retirees Association as lifetime members
UPDATES for UTIA Retirees – Posted 12-11-2015
Herb Byrd III has been selected to serve as the next University of Tennessee vice president for public service and to lead UT’s statewide Institute for Public Service. UT President…
UPDATES for UTIA Retirees – Posted 12-11-2015
Helen Rader, who retired in 1990 as an Extension Clothing Specialist with 39 years of service in UT—Extension, passed away Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at Bristol Regional Medical Center. Helen was…
UPDATES for UTIA Retirees – Posted 12-10-2015
This message is sent from Brenda Voiles, State President…….Please join me in sending Congratulations to George Mays who was the recipient of the J.W. Massengill Award for Distinguished Service to Agriculture,…
UPDATES for UTIA Retirees – Posted 12-03-2015
WHAT’S HAPPENING Information About Retirees Congratulations to FUTIAWA member Patsy Ezell-Rehr on her marriage to Marc Rehr on Sunday, October 11, 2015 in Columbia, Maryland. For their honeymoon following the wedding, the couple took a…